Sewaktu admin berkunjung ke Kabupaten Garut, admin berkesempatan mengunjungi Darajat Pass, yang merupakan daerah wisata di Kabupaten Garut yang sangat indah. Darajat Pass selama ini memang menjadi sebuah pilihan favorit wisata bernuansa alam yang berada di bawah kaki Gunung Papandayan, jaraknya yang hanya sekitar 24 km dari arah Garut kota juga membuat daerah wisata ini mudah dijangkau.
Jika sobat datang kemari menggunakan kendaraan pribadi, khususnya motor, dijamin sobat akan merasakan sensasi yang luar biasa, dimana sobat bisa merasakan dinginnya udara pegunungan bercampur dengan wangi-wangi uap panas dari pemandian air panas di sekitar daerah ini.
Di perjalanan pun sobat akan disuguhi pemandangan yang sangat indah, sejauh mata memandang yang terlihat adalah kebun sayur-sayuran berselang-seling dengan villa, rumah makan/restoran dan tempat pemandian, kalau mau berkunjung kesini usahakan kendaraan harus fit, karenan jalanan yang dilalui cenderung menanjak. Ttapi semua lelah saat perjalanan pasti terbayar, mulai dari pemandangan, udara, kondisi jalan, jajanan, tempat istirahat dan lainnya semuanya perfecto.
Untuk menuju ke Darajat Pass ini jika menggunakan kendaraan pribadi mungkin relatif mudah karena banyak petunjuk jalan, tapi jika sobat mau ke Darajat Pass ini menggunakan angkutan umum, sobat harus hapal jalur atau angkot tujuannya. Berikut cara menuju tempat wisata Darajat Pass menggunakan angkutan umum
Pertama, dari terminal Guntur Garut, sobat bisa menggunakan angkot berwarna hijau (Terminal Guntur-Cibodas) ongkosnya rata-rata sekitar Rp.4000,-. Lalu dari Samarang sobat naik angdes berwarna kuning tujuan Pasirwangi, ongkosnya rata-rata Rp.5000,-.
Baru kemudian, dari pemberhentian terakhir angdes tersebut, lalu sobat naik ojek sampai ke Puncak Darajat atau Darajat Pass, ongkosnya rata-rata Rp.10.000,- sampai Rp.15.000,- Banyak pilihan kolam renang air panas disini, menikmati mandi air panas ditengah udara pegunungan yang dingin akan menjadi pengalaman tak terlupakan.
Note : Di domain blog saya yang sebelumnya (, artikel ini diterbitkan dengan judul "Darajat Pass, Kabupaten Garut, Jawa Barat" dengan link sebagai berikut ; ""
Darajat Pass, Garut Regency, West Java
When the admin visited Garut Regency, the admin had the opportunity to visit Darajat Pass, which is a tourist area in the beautiful Garut Regency. Darajat Pass has become a favorite choice of natural nuanced tourism which is under the foot of Mount Papandayan, the distance is only about 24 km from the city Garut also makes this tourist area easy to reach.
If you come here using private vehicles, especially motorcycles, you are guaranteed to feel an extraordinary sensation, where you can feel the cold mountain air mixed with the scent of hot steam from the hot spring baths around this area.
On the trip my friend will be treated to a very beautiful view, as far as the eye can see what is seen is a vegetable garden alternating with villas, restaurants / baths and bathing places, if you want to visit here try to have a vehicle to be fit, because the road being traversed tends to climb . But all are tired when the trip definitely paid off, starting from the scenery, air, road conditions, snacks, rest areas and others are all perfect.
To go to this Darajat Pass if using a private vehicle may be relatively easy because there are many road directions, but if you want to go to Darajat Pass using public transportation, you must memorize the destination lane or angkot. Here's how to get to the Darajat Pass tourist spot using public transportation
First, from the Guntur Garut terminal, you can use the green angkot (Guntur-Cibodas Terminal), the average cost is around Rp.4,000. Then from Samarang, my friend took a yellow angdes to Pasirwangi, the average cost was Rp.5,000.
Only then, from the last stop of the angdes, then you took an ojek to the Puncak Darajat or Darajat Pass, the average cost was Rp.10,000 up to Rp.15,000. - Many choices of hot swimming pools here, enjoying a hot shower in the middle of the air Cold mountains will be an unforgettable experience.
Note: In my previous blog domain (, this article was published under the title "Darajat Pass, Garut Regency, West Java" with the following link; ""
Darajat Pass, Garut Regency, West Java
When the admin visited Garut Regency, the admin had the opportunity to visit Darajat Pass, which is a tourist area in the beautiful Garut Regency. Darajat Pass has become a favorite choice of natural nuanced tourism which is under the foot of Mount Papandayan, the distance is only about 24 km from the city Garut also makes this tourist area easy to reach.
If you come here using private vehicles, especially motorcycles, you are guaranteed to feel an extraordinary sensation, where you can feel the cold mountain air mixed with the scent of hot steam from the hot spring baths around this area.
On the trip my friend will be treated to a very beautiful view, as far as the eye can see what is seen is a vegetable garden alternating with villas, restaurants / baths and bathing places, if you want to visit here try to have a vehicle to be fit, because the road being traversed tends to climb . But all are tired when the trip definitely paid off, starting from the scenery, air, road conditions, snacks, rest areas and others are all perfect.
To go to this Darajat Pass if using a private vehicle may be relatively easy because there are many road directions, but if you want to go to Darajat Pass using public transportation, you must memorize the destination lane or angkot. Here's how to get to the Darajat Pass tourist spot using public transportation
First, from the Guntur Garut terminal, you can use the green angkot (Guntur-Cibodas Terminal), the average cost is around Rp.4,000. Then from Samarang, my friend took a yellow angdes to Pasirwangi, the average cost was Rp.5,000.
Only then, from the last stop of the angdes, then you took an ojek to the Puncak Darajat or Darajat Pass, the average cost was Rp.10,000 up to Rp.15,000. - Many choices of hot swimming pools here, enjoying a hot shower in the middle of the air Cold mountains will be an unforgettable experience.
Note: In my previous blog domain (, this article was published under the title "Darajat Pass, Garut Regency, West Java" with the following link; ""