Ketika berkesempatan singgah di kota Surabaya, saya berkesempatan mengunjungi Stasiun Gubeng, sebuah stasiun yang telah menjadi bangunan Cagar Budaya di kota Surabaya...karena bangunan Stasiun Gubeng ini merupakan bangunan Cagar Budaya, maka tentunya kita dilarang merusak, dan bahkan jika stasiun ini akan dibangun pun dilarang untuk mengubah bentuk aslinya, jika dilanggar maka tentunya akan mendapat hukuman pidana sesuai undang-undang. Kabarnya Stasiun Gubeng yang merupakan stasiun terbesar di Kota Surabaya ini dibangun dengan arsitektur lebih modern dan lebih luas pada tahun 1990-an, disisi timur rel KA, sedangkan pada waktu awal dibangunnya stasiun ini dibangun di sisi sebelah barat rel KA.
Stasiun Gubeng memiliki 6 jalur utama, di mana jalur 1 (paling barat) biasanya digunakan untuk pemberangkatan KA Ekonomi ke arah selatan, jalur 2 untuk kedatangan kereta dari arah selatan, jalur 3 dan 4 digunakan untuk tempat singgah KA Logawa, Sri Tanjung, dan Penataran Icon selama proses langsiran lokomotif dan sebagai jalur berjalan langsung untuk KA Barang, jalur 5 digunakan untuk kedatangan KA Mutiara Selatan dari Bandung dan juga sebagai jalur berjalan langsung untuk KA Barang dan jalur 6 (paling timur) digunakan untuk pemberangkatan dan kedatangan KA Bisnis dan eksekutif. Di bagian utara jalur 6 ada jalur yang bercabang menuju Balai Yasa (BY)/bengkel KA Surabaya Gubeng. Saya sampai ke Stasiun Gubeng dengan cara menaiki kereta api Mutiara Selatan ketika pelesiran ke Surabaya, tepatnya ketika akan berkunjung ke Monumen Kapal Selam.
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Gubeng Station, Surabaya City, East Java
When we had a chance to stop in Surabaya, i had the opportunity to visit Gubeng Station, a station that has become a Cultural Heritage building in Surabaya ... because this Gubeng Station building is a Cultural Heritage building, then of course we are prohibited from damaging, and even if this station will was built also forbidden to change its original form, if it is violated then surely it will get a criminal penalty according to the law. Reportedly the Gubeng Station which is the largest station in Surabaya City was built with a more modern and broader architecture in the 1990s, on the east side of the railroad tracks, while at the beginning of the construction the station was built on the west side of the railroad tracks.
Gubeng Station has 6 main lines, where line 1 (the most western) is usually used for the departure of the Economy Train to the south, line 2 for the arrival of trains from the south, lines 3 and 4 are used as a stopover for the Logawa, Sri Tanjung and Penataran trains Icon during the locomotive yard process and as a direct walking line for Freight Trains, line 5 is used for the arrival of Mutiara Selatan Railway from Bandung and also as a direct walking line for Freight Trains and line 6 (the easternmost) is used for the departure and arrival of Business and executive trains. In the northern part of line 6 there is a branching line to Balai Yasa (BY) / Surabaya Gubeng railway workshop. I arrived at Gubeng Station by riding the Mutiara Selatan train when taking a trip to Surabaya, precisely when I was going to visit the Submarine Monument.
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Gubeng Station, Surabaya City, East Java
When we had a chance to stop in Surabaya, i had the opportunity to visit Gubeng Station, a station that has become a Cultural Heritage building in Surabaya ... because this Gubeng Station building is a Cultural Heritage building, then of course we are prohibited from damaging, and even if this station will was built also forbidden to change its original form, if it is violated then surely it will get a criminal penalty according to the law. Reportedly the Gubeng Station which is the largest station in Surabaya City was built with a more modern and broader architecture in the 1990s, on the east side of the railroad tracks, while at the beginning of the construction the station was built on the west side of the railroad tracks.
Gubeng Station has 6 main lines, where line 1 (the most western) is usually used for the departure of the Economy Train to the south, line 2 for the arrival of trains from the south, lines 3 and 4 are used as a stopover for the Logawa, Sri Tanjung and Penataran trains Icon during the locomotive yard process and as a direct walking line for Freight Trains, line 5 is used for the arrival of Mutiara Selatan Railway from Bandung and also as a direct walking line for Freight Trains and line 6 (the easternmost) is used for the departure and arrival of Business and executive trains. In the northern part of line 6 there is a branching line to Balai Yasa (BY) / Surabaya Gubeng railway workshop. I arrived at Gubeng Station by riding the Mutiara Selatan train when taking a trip to Surabaya, precisely when I was going to visit the Submarine Monument.
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