Dalam Pembangunan Kompleks Rumah Pemangku Adat Kabupaten Sumedang
Pembangunan kompleks rumah pemangku adat ini bertempat di Kecamatan Rancakalong, tepatnya di bukit Panenjoan Desa Pasirbiru. Dipilihnya Kecamatan Rancakalong sebagai tempat pembangunan kompleks rumah pemangku adat bukan tanpa alasan, hal tersebut adalah karena Kecamatan Rancakalong sendiri telah ditetapkan sebagai kawasan wisata budaya unggulan di Kabupaten Sumedang.
Salah satu alasannya adalah karena adanya upacara adat ngalaksa, upacara adat khas Rancakalong yang dilakukan 1 tahun sekali di Kecamatan ini. Dengan demikian pembangunan kompleks rumah pemangku adat akan mendukung kesenian daerah serta adat di daerah tersebut karena akan menambah daya tarik wisata tersendiri, dan dengan sendirinya menjadi pendukung kebijakan Sumedang Puseur Budaya Sunda (SPBS).
Rencananya, seluruh bangunan yang akan didirikan di kawasan wisata Panenjoan Rancakalong ini berjumlah 16 unit bangunan, dan sewaktu admin berkunjung ke tempat ini bangunan yang selesai dibangun baru 5 unit. 16 unit bangunan ini sendiri terdiri atas 10 unit rumah Pemangku Adat Desa, dan masing-masing 1 unit rumah Pemangku Adat Kecamatan, Pemangku Adat Kabupaten, Rumah Pemangku Adat Gubernur Jawa Barat, Pendopo, serta ruang makan bersama berikut perlengkapannya. Semua bangunan tersebut akan dibuat dengan bentuk atap Julang Ngapak sebagai ciri arsitektur Sunda.
Pemandangan di sekitar area pembangunan rumah pemangku adat Sumedang ini sangat indah, gugusan Gunung Kareumbi terlihat dikejauhan.
Note : Di domain blog saya yang sebelumnya (www.wewengkonsumedang.com), artikel ini diterbitkan dengan judul "Pembangunan Rumah Pemangku Adat (2013)" dengan link sebagai berikut ; "http://www.wewengkonsumedang.com/2013/01/pembangunan-rumah-pemangku-adat.html"
Construction of Traditional Stakeholders (2013)
A Worker Tidying Up The Land For A Park Area In the Construction of the Sumatang Regency Traditional Stakeholder Complex
The construction of the traditional stakeholder house complex is located in Rancakalong District, precisely in the Panenjoan hill, Pasirbiru Village. The choice of Rancakalong Subdistrict as a place for the construction of a traditional stakeholder home complex is not without reason, it is because Rancakalong Subdistrict itself has been designated as a leading cultural tourism area in Sumedang Regency.
One reason is because of the ngalaksa traditional ceremony, a traditional Rancakalong ceremony that is held once a year in this district. Thus the construction of the complex of traditional stakeholders' houses will support regional arts and customs in the area because it will add its own tourist attraction, and naturally become a supporter of the Sumedang Puseur Culture Sundanese (SPBS) policy.
The plan is that all the buildings that will be erected in the Panenjoan Rancakalong tourist area will amount to 16 building units, and when the admin visits this place, only 5 units will be completed. The 16 building units themselves consist of 10 units of Village Pemangku Adat houses, and each unit of 1 Subdistrict Pemangku Adat house, Regency Pemangku Adat, West Java Pemangku Adat Rumah, Pendopo, and a shared dining room along with its equipment. All buildings will be made with the shape of the roof of the Ngang Julapak as a characteristic of Sundanese architecture.
Mount Kareumbi, Seen From the Village of Pasirbiru
The scenery around the construction area of the Sumedang traditional house is very beautiful, the cluster of Mount Kareumbi looks far away.
Construction of Traditional Stakeholders (2013)
A Worker Tidying Up The Land For A Park Area In the Construction of the Sumatang Regency Traditional Stakeholder Complex
The construction of the traditional stakeholder house complex is located in Rancakalong District, precisely in the Panenjoan hill, Pasirbiru Village. The choice of Rancakalong Subdistrict as a place for the construction of a traditional stakeholder home complex is not without reason, it is because Rancakalong Subdistrict itself has been designated as a leading cultural tourism area in Sumedang Regency.
One reason is because of the ngalaksa traditional ceremony, a traditional Rancakalong ceremony that is held once a year in this district. Thus the construction of the complex of traditional stakeholders' houses will support regional arts and customs in the area because it will add its own tourist attraction, and naturally become a supporter of the Sumedang Puseur Culture Sundanese (SPBS) policy.
The plan is that all the buildings that will be erected in the Panenjoan Rancakalong tourist area will amount to 16 building units, and when the admin visits this place, only 5 units will be completed. The 16 building units themselves consist of 10 units of Village Pemangku Adat houses, and each unit of 1 Subdistrict Pemangku Adat house, Regency Pemangku Adat, West Java Pemangku Adat Rumah, Pendopo, and a shared dining room along with its equipment. All buildings will be made with the shape of the roof of the Ngang Julapak as a characteristic of Sundanese architecture.
Mount Kareumbi, Seen From the Village of Pasirbiru
The scenery around the construction area of the Sumedang traditional house is very beautiful, the cluster of Mount Kareumbi looks far away.